LIFE Behavior Consulting has compiled a list of resources to help save time on web searches. This list of service providers is solely for informational purposes and being listed does not equal endorsement from LIFE Behavior Consulting. If you would like us to add or update a resource, contact us at
Cobb County School Transition Services - The Transition Services Team for Cobb County School District works to ensure students with disabilities and their families are prepared to transition into post-high school life.
College Consensus - TPSID Program - The College Consensus is a tool for individuals to locate Transition and Postsecondary Programs for Students with Intellectual Disabilities (TPSID).
Connections School of Atlanta- A Neurodiverse High School dedicated to creating a safe and engaging school community that celebrates diversity.
DeKalb County School Transition Services - The Transition Services Team for DeKalb County School District works to ensure students with disabilities and their families are prepared to transition into post-high school life.
EXCEL at Georgia Tech - The EXCEL Program is a four-year college program for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities leading to two separate certificates: one in Academic Enrichment, Social Fluency, and Career Exploration and another in Social Growth, Leadership, and Career Development.
Fayette County Transition Services - The Transition Services Team for Fayette County School District provides students who have intellectual disabilities with a vocational/career assessment, vocational counseling, transition planning, and/or post-secondary planning.
Fulton County Transition Services - The Transition Services Team for Fulton County School District provides students who have intellectual disabilities with a vocational/career assessment, vocational counseling, transition planning, and/or post-secondary planning.
Georgia Department of Education- Autism Info - The Georgia Department of Education provides special education and support resources for parents and teachers on how to properly care for students who are autistic.
Georgia Inclusive Post-Secondary Education Consortium - The Include College campaign wants to spread the word about the possibilities now open to students with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Georgia. Information about each school's program is offered to help you understand your college options.
Gwinnett County Transition Services - The Transition Services Team for Gwinnett County School District provides students who have intellectual disabilities with a vocational/career assessment, vocational counseling, transition planning, and/or post-secondary planning.
HBCU Disability Consortium - Identifies strategies for providing culturally responsive disability services and classroom instruction to Black students with disabilities on college campuses and working to increase the number of Black and African American students with disabilities going to college.
The Horizon School- The Horizons School provides a community-based educational program promoting successful transition to independent living for young adults with learning disabilities, autism spectrum and developmental disorders.
Kennesaw State University Transition Services - KSU's Student Disability Services offers LIFT, a program designed to help students with disabilities transition into and out of college.
MDE School- Special Education for students aged 5-22 with Developmental Disabilities
Paulding County Transition Services - The Transition Services Team for Paulding County School District provides students who have intellectual disabilities with a vocational/career assessment, vocational counseling, transition planning, and/or post-secondary planning.
Success Gateway Academy - Provides a middle and high school learning environment that encourages success for students who do not fit into the traditional classroom, delivered through a hybrid homeschool model.
Think College - Provides resources, technical assistance, and training related to college options for students with intellectual disabilities. It also manages the only national listing of college programs for students with intellectual disabilities in the United States.
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