LIFE Behavior has compiled a list of regional autism-related resources to help save time on web searches. This list of service providers is solely for informational purposes and being listed does not equal endorsement from LIFE Behavior. If you would like us to add or update a source, contact us at
Chattanooga Autism Center - A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that serves autistic individuals of all ages They promote inclusion and acceptance of autistic individuals and provide services, resources, and education to the community.
NAMI Chattanooga- Serving those impacted by mental illness through compassionate support services, research-based educational programs, and intentional advocacy.
Star Center - The STAR Center provides services for education, employment, and independence for all ages and needs in West Tennessee and beyond. They will help a child communicate, help a person get their first job, and help the elderly stay in their homes.
State of Tennessee Department of Human Services - Administers numerous services throughout Tennessee, including Families First, the state's Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, Food Stamps (now known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or SNAP), Child Support, Child Care Licensing, Child Care Assistance, Adult Protective Services, and Rehabilitation Services.
TARP Center For Independent Living - An IRS 501 (c ) 3 nonprofit, non-residential, charitable organization directed and staffed by individuals with disabilities, working to promote the dignity, independence, and civil rights of Tennesseans with disabilities. They advocate on behalf of people with disabilities and encourage them to self-advocate.
The Arc Davidson County - A family-based organization that promotes, protects, and advocates for the right of people with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities to live self-determined, meaningful lives in inclusive communities.
The Arc Williamson County - Empowers people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families to actively participate in the community through advocacy, research, education, and quality-of-life services. hey also provide family support services and independent support coordination.
United Cerebral Palsy of Middle Tennessee - Provides services to individuals of all ages and all types of disabilities, especially those that primarily affect mobility. Offers a supportive setting for parents to share common feelings, community resource information, and parenting strategies as they pertain to daily experiences with children with disabilities.
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Mosaic Program - A multifaceted and comprehensive program that supports the holistic needs of degree-seeking autistic UTC students. Mosaic works to help students recognize their many strengths and manage areas of struggle.
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